Fauquier County, Virginia, Will Book 1, Page 95.
In the name of GOD Amen, this 10th day of September 1764. I Richard LUTTRELL of Fauquier County, in the Colony of Virginia being of perfect health and sound mind and memory thanks be given to GOD for it therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men to once die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, that the hands of Almighty GOD that gave it and my body I recommend to earth to be buried in a decent christian burial at the descretion of my Executors nothing doubting that at the General resurection I shall receive the same by the Mighty of GOD and as touching such worldy estate wherewith it has pleased GOD to bless me in the manner following:
IN PRIMIS I give to my son James Luttrell, 70 acres of land more or less and being the land whereon he now lives and bounded by me.
ITEM I give to my son Michael Luttrell 70 acres of land more or less being the land whereon he now lives and being on the same side of the run that my son James Lives on and bounded by me.
ITEM I give to my son Samuel Luttrell 70 acres of land more or less being the same land and plantation whereon he now lives and where John Collier formerly lived and bounded by me.
ITEM I give to my son John Luttrell 70 acres of land more or less it being that part of land whereon he now lives and bounded by me.
ITEM I give to my son Richard Luttrell my new patent of land containing 58 acres of land whereon he now lives.
ITEM I give to my daughter Antiss Luttrell part of the land that I bought off George Crump lying on the south side of Rocke Run that runs from John Nelsons old field to William Raussaus mill bounded by Woods line, Forsythes line and Dearmons line, containing 80 acres of land more or less.
ITEM I give to my daughter Mary Luttrell part of the said land on the west side of the run bounded by Woods line, Dearmans line and Peters line and the ridge path that goes from John Combs to John Nelsons, containing 80 acres of land more or less.
ITEM I give to my daughter Susan Luttrell the remainder part of the land on the west side of the said path bounded by woods line and Peters line, containing 80 acres of land more or less.
ITEM I give to my son Robert Luttrell the plantation whereon I now live and the remaining part of my land adjoining to my said plantation being 74 acres of land more or less.
ITEM I give to my son Robert one feather bed and furniture, my new gun, sword and coutch box.
ITEM I give to my daughter Catherine Corum five pounds of current money of the Colony to be raised within the compass of one year after my decease, out of what part of my moveable estate my Executors and Executri shall think most proper to sell for the raising of said money.
ITEM I give to my daughter Sarah Luttrell five pounds and my young bay mare branded on or near the buttock to be delivered to her at the age of eighteen or marryed.
ITEM I give to my granddaughter Mary Corum five pounds of current money of Virginia to be paid at the age of eighteen or when she is marryed.
ITEM I give to my loving wife, Mary all the rest of my moveable estate to be by possessed and enjoyed during her natural life and after her decease to be equally divided amongst my children.
ITEM I constitute my loving wife, Mary and sons, Richard and Robert Luttrell to be Executors of this my last will and testament and do hereby utterly, disallow, revoke and dismell all and every other former testament, wills, legates and bequeathed ratifying this to be my last will and testament and no other in witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand seal, day and year above written VS.
HIS Richard X Luttrell Mark Signed sealed and delivered by said Richard Luttrell on his Last Will and Testament.
HIS HIS Edward X Lorrence Richard Luttrell Mark Mark Edward Lorrence Richard Lorrence
At a court held for Fauquier County, Virginia, 26th day of May 1766 this will was proved by Edward Lorrence--Witness thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Richard Luttrell and Robert Luttrell who made oath and acknowledged bond as the law directs Certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.
Notes: Luttrell/Littrell Richard Luttrell b. 1685 Westmoreland Co. VA. s/o James Luttrell/Littrell & Susanna Tullos. d. May 25, 1766 in Fauquier Co. VA. + Mary Rachel Stallard b. 1702 in Essex Co. VA d/o Walter Stallard & Hannah Pitt Children: Richard Luttrell, Jr. b. 1719-1734 d. 1819 m. Sarah Watson Michael Luttrell b. 1720-1725, in Westmoreland or Fauquier Co. VA.m. abt. 1741 Dinah Shumate, d. March 16, 1778 in Fauquier Co. VA James Luttrell b. 1726 Fauquier Co. VA. m. Mary ____ moved to TN Samuel Luttrell b. 1730 m. Annis Crowther John Luttrell b. 1732 Fauquier Co. VA m. 1758 Winfred Lawrence, d. 6/20/1790 Unstiss (Antiss) Luttrell b. 1736 m. Benjamin Neale Mary Luttrell b. 1738 Robert Luttrell b. 1738 d. 1812 m. Lydia Luttrell d/o Michael Luttrell & Dinah Shumate, see Will of Michael Luttrell 1778. Susanna Luttrell b. 1740 m. 11/26/1792 John Robinson in Fauquier Co. VA Catherine Luttrell b. 1744 m. Champe Richard Coram Sarah Luttrell b. 1748