Individual surnames originated for the purpose of more specific
identification. The four primary sources for second names were:
occupation, location, father's name and personal characteristics.
The surname Luttrell appears to be occupational in origin, and is
believed to be associated with the French, meaning, "one who
played and made a lute." Different spellings of the same
original surname are a common occurrence. Dictionaries of
surnames indicate probably spelling variations. The most
prominent variations of Luttrell are Lutrels, Lutrell, Luttrells,
Luttrel, Luttrells, and Littrell.
The Luttrell Coat of Arms was drawn by an heraldic artist from
information officially recorded in ancient heraldic archives.
Documentation for the Luttrell Coat of Arms design can be found
in "Burke's General Armory." Heraldic artists of old developed
their own unique language to describe an individual Coat of Arms.